Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Our First Full Week!

WOW, we had a great first full week together!  We started working with our "Fine Motor Box" (pictures below), we met our reading and math teachers, and we had Mrs. Nichols visit us for a character lesson!  Our caterpillar is quietly on his/her (the girls named her "Stripey") "walk about" which happens right before they hang in a "j' and form their chrysalis- ask the girls all about it...they're Monarch pros!!

News and Notes:
*Please make sure you have submitted your "General Permission Form" to Mrs. Pietrowski.
*Please have your daughter send in her summer reading packet and math packet.  I am still missing a few.
*Picture Day is September 27th.  Please send in your order forms before that date.

A Look Ahead:
*Next week we will start learning Calvert Script!!
*We will meet our 10th Age Buddies on Thursday next week.
*Calvert Spirit Day is next Friday.  Wear black, yellow, and white!
*SAVE THE DATE:  October 8th, class field trip to Irvine Nature Center, 10:00am-12:30pm

nuts and bolts

stringing beads


sorting pom-poms

golf tees and marbles

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