Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Friday!

Another wonderful week together!  We had a visit from a mystery reader and our 10th Age Buddies.  We're down to 5 letters to learn in script.  This time next week we will be official "Calvert Script Writers" with new script name tags on our desks!!!  The girls are SO excited!!

A Look Ahead:
*On Thursday, October 31st, Lower School students are permitted to dress up/down for Halloween.  We ask that parents be aware of three important reminders: 
1) please avoid costumes or any aspect thereof that could be offensive or gory; 
2) Weaponry is discouraged; and 
3) ensure that students are wearing appropriate footwear (sneakers), as they will continue with their regular school schedule including recess, Physical Education classes, etc. 

*Next Friday is a 12:30 dismissal.  If you're child is attending After School Care, please provide them with a lunch.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

10th Age Buddies

To celebrate Halloween, we played a game with our 10th Age Buddies where we created our very own pumpkin creatures, giving them names and silly accessories.  Our pumpkin patch is on display in the hallway. We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot!

**Mystery Reader**

We had a special surprise when our Mystery Reader visited us on Tuesday!

Thank you, Ms. Ryoo, for reading to us today!  
We loved listening to the fables and learning the important lessons at the end.  
Thank you so much for the cute cupcake bookmarks 
and the yummy pumpkin chocolate, too!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy Friday!

This week's Fresh Food Drive was very successful!  We collected 1,400 pounds of food!!  Thank you so much for contributing to this wonderful cause.  Calvert's Fall Family Day is tomorrow, 8:30 am-11:30 am.  Check Calvert's website for info and to sign-up.

A Look Ahead:
*We will learn 5 new script letters next week.  So far we have mastered 15 letters, and our handwriting is looking wonderful!!

*We will meet up with our 10th Age Buddies next Thursday for a festive Halloween craft.

*Our next Scholastic Book order form is coming home today.  Please send orders back in by Wednesday, October 23rd.

Lastly, last Friday we celebrated filling our stone jar for the first time!  The girls LOVED having a "slumber party" in our classroom.  We changed into slippers and brought in blankets and "stuffies" to snuggle with while we watched a movie.  Special thank you to Mrs. Cooper for providing a delicious treat for the celebration.  Way to go girls!!  Let's see if we can fill the jar again before Winter Break!

**Mystery Reader**

We had so much fun listening to the festive Halloween story read by our most recent Mystery Reader...

Mrs. McGill!!!

Thank you for visiting us, Mrs. McGill.
We loved the spider rings and the yummy rice crispy treats :)

Parent-Child Reading Night

What a fun night we had together at our 7th Age Parent-Child Reading Night!
We read Velma Gratch and the Way Cool Butterfly.  Afterwards we moved around to different 
centers to complete various butterfly activities.  We made butterfly finger puppets, butterfly bookmarks, butterfly coloring pages, and drew sequencing pictures from the story.  We also had our pictures taken with our parents before we left.  

Here's a slideshow with a few photos from the night:

Parents, next time you are on campus, stop by the bulletin board in the hallway next to the mini-computer lab to find your photograph with your child!  

Friday, October 4, 2013

Symbolic Migration

All our butterflies are on their journey to Mexico!  We are participating in an international friendship program through Journey North, called "Symbolic Migration" (  As a class we decorated a big monarch and filled it with individual paper monarchs, notes and drawings, and mailed it to a school in Mexico. 

During the fall our class monarch will arrive in Mexico, around the same time our real monarchs hopefully get there.  In the spring, when the monarchs start their migration back north, we will receive paper butterflies from schools in those areas.   

We are excited to see what we will receive in return!!

Happy Friday!!

Have you seen script being practiced at home??  I hope so :)  The girls are doing a beautiful job learning the script!!  To date, we have learned 9 letters in script (a, e, i, o, c, m, n, s, and t).  See how many new words you can make using these letters!

Our first set of folder papers and our first report card will be coming home on Monday.  The girls are SO excited to share all of their hard work with you!  Please take some time to look over their papers.  Please sign the blue report card and return only it in the Calvert School envelope.  All other folder papers can stay at home.

A Look Ahead:
*On Monday, October 7th the students in the Lower School will be planting seeds for Real Food Farms  again this year. 

*This coming Tuesday the 7th Age is going to the Irvine Nature Center. The chaperons are Megan Higgins, Sally Hoskins, and Gillian Quinn.  The girls are asked to wear clothes appropriate for the trip and bring a “BAG” lunch, NO peanut butter!

*Thursday, October 10th is the 7th Age Parent-Child Reading NIght.  If you haven’t signed up but wish to, please contact your child's reading teacher.

*Warm outerwear is recommended.  No hooded sweatshirts are permitted inside of the building. And, names should appear in everything. 

*All Calvert Lower and Middle School families are invited to the Family Fun Night on Tuesday, October 15th. It will be held in the Calvert Middle School gym from 6:30 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. There will be active introduction games and a representative from the Upper Chesapeake Red Cross will present a special program for children and parents.  The big event will be several hula hoop competitions, so come ready for a fun evening for your entire family. Any questions please contact Mr. Shep at

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Field Trip to Irvine Nature Center

              The Seventh Age will be taking a field trip to Irvine Nature Center on October 8th.   The students will participate in the “Fall Seasonal Changes” program.  The program focuses on using all five senses to detect how nature changes during the fall season.  Topics will include migration, seed dispersal, insects and how animals and plants prepare for winter.  Due to size limitations, only two Seventh Age classes will visit Irvine at a time, while the other two classes participate in fun, nature-themed activities at school.

            We are asking each student to bring a lunch and drink in a paper bag, which can be thrown away.  PLEASE REMEMBER NO PEANUTBUTTER!  Students can dress down for the field trip.  Unfortunately, only two chaperons per class are needed for this trip, and they have been assigned.  Please join us for our next field trip when we visit the Science Center in May; all parents are welcomed J

Please let your child’s homeroom teacher know if you have any questions. 

Thank you,
The Seventh Age Teachers

Group 1’s Schedule: (includes 7-2 and 7-B classes)
9:30                   Depart for Irvine
10:00-11:30      Attend “Fall Seasonal Changes”
11:30-12:15      Lunch
12:30                 Depart for school
1:30-2:30          Activities at school

Group 2’s Schedule: (includes 7-1 and 7-A classes)
 9:30-10:30       Activities at school
10:30                Snack
11:00                 Depart for Irvine 
11:30-12:15      Lunch
12:30-2:00        Attend “Fall Seasonal Changes”
2:00                   Depart for school