Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Friday!

Another wonderful week together!  We had a visit from a mystery reader and our 10th Age Buddies.  We're down to 5 letters to learn in script.  This time next week we will be official "Calvert Script Writers" with new script name tags on our desks!!!  The girls are SO excited!!

A Look Ahead:
*On Thursday, October 31st, Lower School students are permitted to dress up/down for Halloween.  We ask that parents be aware of three important reminders: 
1) please avoid costumes or any aspect thereof that could be offensive or gory; 
2) Weaponry is discouraged; and 
3) ensure that students are wearing appropriate footwear (sneakers), as they will continue with their regular school schedule including recess, Physical Education classes, etc. 

*Next Friday is a 12:30 dismissal.  If you're child is attending After School Care, please provide them with a lunch.

Happy Weekend!

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