Thursday, November 14, 2013

Upcoming Events

Toy Drive Next week:

We will be hosting a toy drive next week, November 18-22. We will be collecting new and gently used toys to deliver to Hampden Family Center, Paul’s Place, and the Mayor’s Office. The toys may be wrapped or unwrapped. If your child brings a wrapped toy, please indicate on a tag whether it is for a boy or girl, and what age range. We look forward to another successful toy drive this holiday season!

Blood Drive 

We are happy to announce that an American Red Cross Blood donation drive will be held on Friday, November 22nd. The drive will run from 2:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. in the Calvert Middle School gym.
There are two ways that you can help:
1. Schedule an appointment to donate blood by going to the Red Cross website, To schedule a donation appointment enter the school’s ZIP code 21210. Then enter the date of our drive, November 22. Follow the registration steps to be part of this great event.
2. Volunteer to help run the drive by assisting with donor registration and snacks. You can volunteer by going to to arrange a time to help. 

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