Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy Friday

The countdown has begun!  We are so excited for the upcoming holidays.  Next week will be filled with more fun and festive activities.  Take a look:

*We will write a poem about Christmas using our senses.  Please help complete the special homework paper that was sent home today and it return it on Monday.

*We have picked names for an ornament exchange!  Please buy ($5 or less) or make an ornament for your secret friend.  Bring in your wrapped ornament on Wednesday for the exchange.

*Thursday we have our class party, from 1:30-2:15.  Parent helpers can park on the blacktop behind the school.

*Please make sure to see the previous post about library class next week.  Sounds like fun!!

*Friday is a 12:30 dismissal and a holiday dress down day.  The entire school will gather for a holiday sing along as well.

REMINDER:  please send in hats, scarves, and gloves for your daughter.  We go outside every day for recess.  These items will help us stay warm in the winter.  Thanks!!

Finally, starting next week our spelling lists will include 12 words.  Here is the list for next week:
that                   of
bad                  spot
have                 job
van                  clock
sat                   rock
sad                  doll

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