Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy Spirit Week

We have had a very festive week in 7th Age!!  We have celebrated all of the wonderful reasons why it's super to be seven!  We decorated banners and the classroom, had a cookie decorating party, and will have a dress down day tomorrow.  What a great way to end the month of January (already!!!).

A Look Ahead:
*Next week we start our Famous African American research projects during sharing.

*Next week's spelling words are:  want, wanted, look, looking, call, calling, pick, picked, walk, walked, watch, watching

*Next week is also International Week.  We look forward to learning new languages, tasting new foods, hearing new music, and learning many new facts about the world around us.  Here are the different languages for each day:
 Monday-French    Tuesday-Dutch     Wednesday-Portuguese     Thursday-Korean        Friday-Spanish

*We will continue to write about our family members in composition next week.

*Our Valentine's Day party is February 13th at 2:15.  Hope to see you there!

*February 28th is a 12:30 dismissal for Conference Day.  More details to come from Dr. Trusty.

I will be on campus tomorrow in an all-day meeting.  If you need immediate assistance, please contact Gail Pietrowski at  Thanks!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Black History Month

Today the girls picked a name of a famous African American that they will research and teach the class about on their day of sharing.  In their backpack today you will find the name of their famous African American, directions and a record sheet, and an index card to use to make a "trading card".  If extra copies are needed, directions, website links, and record sheets are also posted under "Important Documents" on the right hand side of this page.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have fun researching!!

·       Julia B:  George Washington Carver-scientist
·       Isabelle:  Garrett Morgan-inventor
·       Grace:  Booker T. Washington-educator
·       Perry:  Muhammad Ali-athlete
·       Piper:  Patricia Bath-inventor
·       Ashby:  Billie Holiday-singer
·       Julia N:  Wilma Rudolph-athlete
·       Caroline:  Stevie Wonder-musician
·       Anna:  Alvin Ailey-founder of dance company
·       Emma:  Duke Ellington-jazz pianist
·       Elise:  Bill Cosby-actor
·       Penelope:  Gordon Parks-photographer
·       Tavi:  Lewis Howard Latimer- inventor
·       Tessa:  Valerie Thomas-scientist
·       Maggie:  James West-inventor
·       Catherine:  Alfred Cralle-inventor
·       Emily:  Lonnie Johnson-inventor
·       Bernadette:  Daniel Hale Williams-doctor

Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy Friday!

What a busy week.  On Monday we attended an assembly lead by Mr. Craig (see earlier post).  On Thursday, Mrs. Nichols visited us for a character class.  She reminded us of the importance of volunteering in class and speaking up for ourselves.  She has encouraged us to set a goal of raising our hands at least once a day to answer a question or share a thought.  What a great idea!  We ended the week with our annual MLK Assembly in the Middle School.  We listened to speakers and sang songs together as an entire school.  It was a wonderful way to end our week and to celebrate the great work of a very important man.

A Look Ahead:
*Next week's spelling words are: : pay, play, for, fort, sing, spring, fat, flat, bed, bend, cap, & camp

*We will finish writing our "Me" compositions next week.

*No School on Monday, January 20th – MLK Day of Service: click here to register:

*The week of January 27th is 7th Age Spirit Week...more details to come!

*The week of February 3rd is International Week.

Our January folder papers will come home next Friday.  The girls are SO excited to have the Sixth Age teachers will read their folders this month.  The girls and I send our well wishes to Tavi, who broke her elbow yesterday on the playground during recess.  We missed you today Tavi, and we can't wait for you to be back at school so we can give you a lot of BIG hugs!!! 

Marimba Assembly with Mr. Craig

On Monday we were treated to a very special music assembly lead by Mr. Craig and three of his students from Towson University.  They taught us about the marimba, an ancient percussion instrument.  They played a few pieces on the marimba and finished the assembly with a song played on big buckets.  It was so cool and a great way to start the week!!  Thank you, Mr. Craig!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy New Year and Friday!

Welcome back and happy new year!!  The girls transitioned very well back into our routines and schedule this week.  We shared many stories of fun trips, activities, and silly stories from our winter break.  It is SO nice to be back together.

News and Notes:
*Next week's spelling words are:  when, them, tell, get, men, let, getting, leg, presents, unless, wet, dress

*Next week we will write a composition about ourselves.  Please help your daughter complete the special homework page that is coming home today.  NO ABBREVIATIONS please :)

*On Thursday, Mrs. Nichols will visit us for a character class.

*On Friday, we will participate in an M.L.K. assembly in the the Middle School.

*There is no school on Monday, January 20th.  Please join the Calvert community from 9:00-12:00 as we help others through various projects and service related experiences on our annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. This year we are lucky to have storyteller Ssuuna as our guest.  In this interactive program, Ssuuna opens a window to African culture through dance, music, and storytelling. Go here to register:

Lastly, please consider signing up for a club this spring: