Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy Spirit Week

We have had a very festive week in 7th Age!!  We have celebrated all of the wonderful reasons why it's super to be seven!  We decorated banners and the classroom, had a cookie decorating party, and will have a dress down day tomorrow.  What a great way to end the month of January (already!!!).

A Look Ahead:
*Next week we start our Famous African American research projects during sharing.

*Next week's spelling words are:  want, wanted, look, looking, call, calling, pick, picked, walk, walked, watch, watching

*Next week is also International Week.  We look forward to learning new languages, tasting new foods, hearing new music, and learning many new facts about the world around us.  Here are the different languages for each day:
 Monday-French    Tuesday-Dutch     Wednesday-Portuguese     Thursday-Korean        Friday-Spanish

*We will continue to write about our family members in composition next week.

*Our Valentine's Day party is February 13th at 2:15.  Hope to see you there!

*February 28th is a 12:30 dismissal for Conference Day.  More details to come from Dr. Trusty.

I will be on campus tomorrow in an all-day meeting.  If you need immediate assistance, please contact Gail Pietrowski at  Thanks!

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